Email marketing is considered as one of the best and cheapest ways to market your business. Having a rich email list can help you in generating leads. Email marketing is one sure way to get a great return on your marketing investment,  For every $1 you spend on your email marketing efforts, the average return is $38. Your subscribers always have the option to unsubscribe. This makes the whole email marketing very tricky.

Email lists allow your subscribers to get to know you better, they allow you to deliver even more valuable content to your subscribers and establishes a relationship where they know, like and trust you.

Here are seven types of emails that can help you in ensuring that your subscribers stay on your list and they actually look forward to receiving your emails.

Quality Content: Content that you send to your subscribers is key to your success in email marketing. If the content you send it exclusive and interesting, there are higher chances that people would want to stay on your list. For example, you can send them a free report or an industry insight which is not available on your website.

Add Your Personal Touch: Believe it or not, your subscribers want to know more about you and your business and how you are actually doing stuff to run your business. What is behind the scenes is of interest to them. You can share some real information and discuss the real problems that you faced in your business. That would make you appear real to your email list.

Sharing Your Most Popular Posts With Your Subscriber List: With the growth of your business comes the opportunity for you to share your old, popular posts too. When your blog gets too populated, your subscribers would appreciate seeing your old valuable posts.

Collaboration Can Invite Attention: If you have any ideas for your subscribers to collaborate with you for some mutual benefits, it is highly possible that they will react positively to such an option. Even if it is a simple idea of sharing tips with each other, there can be a lot of response to your emails.

Share What Has Been Going on: If in some weeks you got a chance to write more blog posts than you usually do, you can share a recap of the blog posts you have written that week. Some people can follow blogging schedules while others find it very difficult to do that. If you fall in the second category, this recap idea is for you.

Answer The Questions: Interact with your email list whenever you get a chance. You can start a Q & A series and ask your subscribers to send their burning questions.

Come up With Special Offers For Your Email List: Your emails can get an amazing response if you offer your subscribers a discount on some products or services your business offers. These special offers can keep your email list interested in your emails.

If you are wondering why your engagement is so low try adding a few emails from the list above and watch how much your readers love you for it.

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