Instagram Stories Highlight Covers


Instagram Stories Highlight cover images

Instagram Stories Highlight covers make a great first impression!

Looking to amplify your brand’s presence on Instagram? Look no further than our Instagram Stories Highlight Covers! These covers are specifically designed to showcase your brand, products, or services in a visually appealing way, drawing in potential customers to your profile. Our team of experts at Make It Happen Services specializes in creating unique and eye-catching covers that will make your brand stand out on the platform.

Once the design is complete, we will work with you to implement the covers on your Instagram profile. We will ensure that the covers are properly aligned and that they are placed in the correct order to ensure a cohesive and polished look.

We recommend using covers to make your Highlights look great and stand out from the crowd. They're easy to set up and only take a few minutes to get up and running.

6 Branded Covers $45

Here is how it works:

  1. Once you purchase our Instagram Highlight covers package, within 48 hours we will send you a questionnaire form allowing us to learn more about your business vision, mission, value proposition & brand colours.
  2. Once you have returned your completed form, we will get to work.
  3. Your 14 days starts from the day we receive the completed form.

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